Philosophical/religious ideas explored in The Gospel According to Ivan Ivanovich

 Philosophical/religious ideas explored

in The Gospel According to Ivan Ivanovich

Part I: 

-dishonesty in photographs 

-Death is predictable 

-History is boring, the human experience is what matters 

Chapter 1: The Genesis of Ivan Ivanovich 

-The miracle birth 

-The goodness and purity of childhood 

-the female reader 

-a meditation on childhood 

-God and the child


-Religion and the persona 

-Ivan Ivanovich and the shadow


-Ivan Ivanovich and his demons 

-The 10 commandments of Ivan Ivanovich 

-A friend for the right price 


Chapter 2: A Eulogy for Vera Pavlovna 

-the dualistic nature of human beings


-a particular unhappiness 

-to fall to daydreaming


-true love is to desire unimaginable grief 

-the place where God dwells, a place of broad rivers and streams


-the etymology of commandment 

Chapter 3: The Epistle of Ivan Ivanovich to Nataliya Igoryevna 

-a young person yearns for the future


-to grieve in lonely silence 

-the irony of death 

-casting stones 

-speaking over your opponent doesn’t make you right 

-entropy in marriage 

-false accomplishment 

Chapter 4: The Confession of Fyodor Alekseyevich

-an honest man has nothing to gain 

- Concupiscence 

-Silovoy and the anima


-the sins of our parents 

-capabilities of the spirit are as natural to us as are the capabilities of the body


-the intelligible attributes of spirit 

-the composition of the soul according to Silovoy 

-man’s desperate unconscious search for Eden 

-knowledge of good and evil 

-the first sin 

-the burden of godhood 

-the second sin 

-the curse of Adam 

-a bouquet of flowers 

-suppositions and opinions are neither reality nor fact 

-sometimes we are the only ones who can answer our own questions 

-the consistency of virtue 

-to save another is to take upon oneself extreme suffering 

-the law of the fast 

-the prayer of the devil 

-you do not know yourself 


Chapter 5: The Proverbs of Olga Andreyevna 

-Money and Pride 

-the eye of a needle, money will corrupt the soul to some degree 

-ye cannot serve God and money 

-Money and Hypocrisy 

-Money and Greed 

-Money and False Friendship


-Money and Oppression 

-Money and Dishonesty 

-Money and False Accusations 

-Money and Theft 

-Money and Ignorance 

-Money and Things over People 

-Money and Animal Abuse 

-Money and Covetousness 

-Man over beast 

-Morality and the opinions of others


-Darwin is not clever  

-memorized information does not equal intelligence 

-it is impossible to give a gift you yourself don’t have first


-criticism of evolution 


Chapter 6: The Revelation of Olga Andryevna 

-winter is better than spring 

-approaching Eden


-you must start from where you are 


Chapter 7: The Exodus of Olga Andreyevna 

-be honest 

-the cause of sin 

-unworthy judges 

-organized religion is like politics 

-the irony of confession 

-who knows God’s mind? 

-thus sayeth the Lord 

-the clergy is just as damned as the sinner 

-tormented by clear vision 

-all are under the condemnation of God 

-superiority doesn’t exist in the Kingdom of God

-the mountain of the Lord 

-born of the Spirit, as a little child 

-what happens when you read Dostoevsky 


Part II:  

-why evil men exist


-the salvation of the individual is strictly between them and God 

-the problem with deathbed repentance 

-the atheist’s argument 

-the atheist’s dilemma 

-the atheist’s rebuttal 


-temporary vessels bear that which is eternal 

-to know ourselves requires tremendous effort, sincerity, and honesty 

-a concept not unknown by Kierkegaard  

-a linguistic phenomenon 

-the intangible elements of existence that make up our beings 


-man is co-eternal with God


-physicalists and the problem of reason 

-God in the physical world 


-lost sight  

Chapter 1: The Condemnation of Marina Igoryevna 

Chapter 2: Ivan Ivanovich meets Lyudila Antonyevna 

-to be thoroughly unimpressed with somebody’s artwork 

-everyone likes recognition for their talents  

-everyone values certain virtues 

-to whom do we owe our virtues? 

-other people’s children 

Chapter 3: The Condition of Mila Antonyevna 

-the grips of infatuation 

-to see with God's eyes

-the savior complex 


Chapter 4: Ivan Ivanovich Gets Married 

-commercialization of Christmas 

-to gift to those who already have 

-the dangerous blending of religion and culture 

-a chosen people 


Chapter 5: Ivan Ivanovich gets Divorced 

-Lyudmila Antonyevna and the animus  


Chapter 6: The Lamentations of Mila Antonyevna 

-a sense of romanticism  

- a right eye and a left eye 

-the biblical dilemma 

-the voice of prayer 

-to happen upon the realization of your reality 

-a depression 

-only two things are certain 

-a familiar voice 

-to awake into consciousness 

-popular views on forgiveness are foolish 

-people love to describe themselves as empathetic 



-what do admirable qualities matter? 

-the manner of the devil  


Chapter 7: The Prayer of Ivan Ivanovich 

-God watched him in silence 

-silence does not equal non-existence 

-when the quiet person speaks 

-that man might not live forever 

-holiness defined 

-a right side and a left side 

-the purpose in duality  

-the ordinary sounds of violence


Chapter 8: The Book of Olga Andreyevna 

-a sincere compliment 

-the wicked can give a good gift 


Chapter 9: The Gospel According to Ivan Ivanovich 

-manifestation of ego 

-wealth is not a blessing from God, he is concerned with more important matters


-open confession 

-spirit guide 

-remembering childhood 


-the inadequacy of words 

-a musical phenomenon 

-God is no respecter of persons 

-a similitude of life eternal 

-the irony of pride 


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